Current Programs

Support Groups

We host weekly support group meetings via Zoom each Friday at noon Pacific time. If you or a loved one would like to join us please click here to connect with us. We are excited to connect with more spinal cord injury (SCI) survivors and other disabled people. We are also trying to expand these support group meetings, so let us know if a different time works better for you. We know there are thousands of other SCI survivors and other disabled people that feel isolated and alone that would benefit from joining our support groups. We would like to extend our love and support to these individuals.

Individual Consulting

We also offer one-on-one consulting with SCI survivors and other disabled people, so please reach out if you think we can help you or a loved one overcome a challenge or challenges. You can click here to connect with us. We have been through a lot of trauma and life experiences, so don’t get trapped into Satan’s lie that you are alone or people don’t care about you. One of Satan’ main tools is to isolate you and make you feel alone. We have experience in the following topics:

  • Travel as high level quadriplegics

  • Marriage and marital problems as high level quadriplegics

  • Conception as high level quadriplegics

  • Parenting as high level quadriplegics

  • Coaching youth athletics as high level quadriplegics

  • Caregiving best practices as high level quadriplegics

  • Addiction and accountability solutions as high level quadriplegics

  • Business ownership as high level quadriplegics

  • Employment as high level quadriplegics

  • Technology, chairs, and beds for high level quadriplegics

  • Recreation for high level quadriplegics

  • And many, many more topics…

Adaptive Equipment

We design and provide custom adaptive equipment for SCI survivors and other disabled individuals, so they can be more productive and independent. Here is a list of items we currently provide:

  • Carbon fiber mouth sticks with custom molded mouth piece for high level quadriplegics

  • Smart phone holders with integrated mouth stick dock and room for leg bag drainer remote

  • Wireless leg bag drainers for emptying urine bags during the day

  • Chest wedges that can be attached to airline seats with velcro for support during travel

  • Headrests for support during airline and other travel to keep high level SCI survivors upright and comfortable

  • Cup holders for drinking coffee (and other beverages) in bed while holding cup at an angle

  • Wheelchair cup holders for high level quadriplegics to have a beverage of their choice while in their chair

  • Other custom designed items that are 3-D printed or machined and welded for specific needs

Ministry (Men, Women, Children, Marriage, Disability, Hospital, Prison…you name it)

At Bonus Years, we have a special place in our hearts for ministry to everyone. We will not pass up any opportunity to talk about Jesus in any circumstance as long as it is God’s will for us. As high level SCI survivors that believe in Jesus, we often have interesting and different perspectives on life and eternity that can help encourage people to live life with truth and boldness in Jesus. We at Bonus Years desire to meet with and encourage as many people as possible to abide in Jesus and help hold each other accountable to walk in obedience with him. If you would like to book a speaking engagement with Wes Price, then please click here to connect with us.

Other Initiatives

We have a long list of adaptive equipment and technology ideas that we would like to work on, but first we are designing a multi-function wheelchair mount for high level quadriplegics. The mount will be controlled via a chin joystick and sip-n-puff straw. It will initially be for holding a modified rifle to go hunting, and can also be used for Nerf, gel blasters, paintball, spotting scopes, binoculars, and cameras. We look forward to the day when we can show up as a group of wheelchair users and blast each other with Nerf, gel blaster, or paintball guns. We also want to allow high level quadriplegics to have these recreational opportunities with their children and friends. Nothing like this currently exists for these people. Many SCI survivors were active individuals that enjoyed being in God’s creation with friends and family before their injury. We want to restore some of this fun as we strive to love each other as Jesus commanded us to love. Please consider joining us in this command to love God and love each other as ourselves.

Picture Gallery of our Programs and Initiatives